When the Roman Empire began collapsing, Christianity prevailed and the Roman Catholic Church kept its territories together.
The Roman empire was at its height when a deadly disease caused devastation to its population, economy and military prowess.
Moreover, it seems that the history of Rome is so multifaceted ... to “portray themselves as the rightful heirs of the Roman Empire.” Rome is also the story of a democratic republic becoming ...
A terrible epidemic swept through the Roman Empire in the second half of the 2nd century, between 165 and 180 AD, claiming ...
A man, approximately 60 years old, was buried 1,700 years ago alongside valuable items such as pottery, glassware, and a ...
New research suggests that the Romans defeated the Jewish rebels at Masada much more quickly than scholars previously assumed ...
In a study recently published in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, researcher Brandon McDonald from Tufts University ...
I’ve spent much of the past month hiding down a rabbit hole, learning about the Roman Empire and Ancient Rome. And of course ...
A new book, 50 Objects From Vindolanda by Barbara Birley and Elizabeth M Greene, examines some of those artefacts in detail.
Lost Legions follows desperate Roman soldiers scattered after the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, blending the historical with ...
In his haste to cram complex events into crisp little episodes, the historian passes over inconvenient details.