In David Pogue’s book, How to Prepare for Climate Change, he suggests readers consider relocating to what he deems “climate ...
In the end we know little about the latest assassination attempt against presidential candidate and career fraudster Donald J ...
I have no idea who is going to win the 2024 presidential election other than it will be either the open fascist Donald ...
The numbers are clear. The temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in November last year resulted in the release of 109 ...
On September 18, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution that demanded that Israel immediately ...
Here’s a swell idea. We’ll bury a bunch of nuclear bombs on the Alaska North Slope right near the Chukchi Sea, detonate them, ...
The email from the radio station asked that I contact one of the hosts of a program. That program seems to be on the ...
The liberation of the Australian journalist in late June closes an ordeal lasting fourteen years. On the other hand, it doesn ...
It has been thirteen years since the 2011 Revolution in Egypt toppled Hosni Mubarak. He had been at that point the president ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America reported that one in 1,000 Black men in the U ...
I attended a Parliament of the World Religions in Chicago. The gathering drew together more than 7,000 people representing ...
The hyper-capitalist terror state that plots to rule the world keeps its fist in a mailed glove called NATO. But NATO is in ...