Tech - The modern aviation industry is built on efficiency. Efficient aircraft, operations, and logistics all serve as ...
Pentest Copilot, a cybersecurity startup finalist at the Innovation Labs 2024 and selected by Early Game Ventures to receive ...
Restart Energy has finalized the implementation of a photovoltaic project for the company Tehno Proenergy worth approximately ...
His Excellency was given a guided tour of both sites and was provided by the company management teams with a deeper insight ...
Business - Evrotrust, a leading and qualified provider of digital trust services with over 1,4 million international users, ...
Business - Community Index is a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the CSR field in Romania. It maps important projects ...
Going Out - The Singureni Polo Sports Club Association, in partnership with World Polo, announces the organization of the ...
Social Responsibility - Corporate giving has emerged as a vital component of modern business strategy, bridging the gap ...
BRINGO, the first rapid grocery delivery service through personal shoppers in Romania, surpasses the threshold of 1 million ...
PPC Group has achieved significant recognition across seven categories at the 2024 Developed Europe and Emerging EMEA ...
Commerce - Starting an online business has become more accessible than ever. With the right tools and strategy, you can turn ...