Louisiana is in the middle of a culture war, but it is not the culture war you are probably thinking of. We are not talking ...
For those of us interested only in “politics,” this has everything to do with cartels and the border. Lately Walt Garlington ...
According to Ron Unz, “So he recognized that once his retaliatory war ended and peace was reestablished, he would almost ...
By now you might have heard that former Lafayette area congressman Charles Boustany, put to pasture in Louisiana politics ...
With Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs and Haiti circulating in the news, even to the abbreviated degree they are, the Overton Window is ...
Last week there was a pretty sizable hue and cry when House Speaker Mike Johnson pulled down the continuing resolution ...
Melissa and I did a Spectacle Podcast episode talking about that interview Tucker Carlson had with blogger and historian ...
Here at the opening I would like to thank Jeff LeJeune for the video of Christopher Lee he dug up (posted at The Hayride on ...
Democrat C-SPAN caller says quiet part out loud — gets cut off for praising Trump’s would-be assass*ns: ‘Take That Shot!’ pic ...
The migration of speckled trout back into inside waters seems to have been aided by last week’s passage of Hurricane Francine ...
I remember the first time I found out some sinful truths about my favorite pro basketball player. I would’ve never guessed ...
I hinted that this was coming in my signing-off-before-the-hurricane-comes post on Wednesday, and I noted the results of that ...