Lord, we pray thee that thy grace may always prevent and follow us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord ...
The annual Statistics for Mission return collects attendance and participation information from across the Church of England. This information is generally collected via the Data Services Unit's ...
I’m Philip Musindi, presently Vicar of St Andrew’s, Reading Street, Broadstairs, where I have served for over 10 years. I am also a member of Canterbury Diocesan Synod, and Visitors Chaplain at ...
I was ordained as a Priest in 2015 and I am licenced as a Missionary Priest in the Diocese of Blackburn. The role of the Missionary priest is involved engaging with other cultures and religions within ...
Going to a funeral is not easy, especially for the first time. Whether you are worried about practical things or want to know what it’s for, this page will help to answer your questions. A Church of ...
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will take place from 18 - 25 January 2020 (though some churches choose to celebrate it around Pentecost). This is an annual initiative whereby Christian ...
Landmark event highlights evolving role of SIAMS in enhancing Church school education. The first-ever national SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) conference has taken place ...
Our ninth Faith at Home episode for Parents focuses on the theme of Compassion – reflections, prayers, thoughts, fun and ideas to try at home - featuring contributions from children and young people ...
In this first episode of Series 2, we explore the key question of why we belong together, featuring input from the Campaign to End Loneliness. For our faith to grow, it needs to happen in connected ...
The Church of England’s national online service will be led in British Sign Language (BSL) from the Deaf Community Church in Reading. Rev Dr Hannah Lewis, Lead Chaplain with Deaf people for the ...
We believe every Christian is called to serve God with their given gifts and talents. This calling is what we call vocation. Vocation is a call to follow Jesus in a specific way and in a specific ...
Here are some practical examples of what churches around the country have done to cut their energy use and work towards "net zero carbon". If you know about a project which can be included within ...